The average house price on STAPLEFORD CLOSE is £95,045
The most expensive house in the street is 3 STAPLEFORD CLOSE with an estimated value of £130,245
The cheapest house in the street is 23 STAPLEFORD CLOSE with an estimated value of £43,172
The house which was most recently sold was 20 STAPLEFORD CLOSE, this sold on 31 Jan 2022 for £65,000
The postcode for STAPLEFORD CLOSE is HU9 4NE
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 STAPLEFORD CLOSE Terraced , 78 m2 £130,245 £76,000 22 Oct 2010
5 STAPLEFORD CLOSE Terraced , 72 m2 £96,926 £57,000 5 Feb 2013
12 STAPLEFORD CLOSE Terraced , 81 m2 £86,489 £71,000 28 Jul 2020
14 STAPLEFORD CLOSE Terraced , 65 m2 £97,342 £57,000 7 Jan 2013
16 STAPLEFORD CLOSE Terraced , 79 m2 £94,979 £88,000 2 Dec 2021
17 STAPLEFORD CLOSE Terraced , 118 m2 £129,305 £79,000 8 Nov 2013
18 STAPLEFORD CLOSE Terraced , 72 m2 £111,730 £67,000 1 Dec 2006
20 STAPLEFORD CLOSE Terraced , 76 m2 £68,913 £65,000 31 Jan 2022
23 STAPLEFORD CLOSE Terraced £43,172 £22,440 6 Sep 2004
27 STAPLEFORD CLOSE Terraced , 69 m2 £91,351 £45,000 14 May 2004